Over the course of my checkered career as a graduate student drudge, one of the best resources I have found for learning R, and, more importantly, actually getting it to do useful stuff, is the R guide from the Personality Project over at OSU. I encourage anyone interested in R to check it out, especially since my own experience with R got off to a rocky start; my introductory graduate course in statistics used R, but the instruction was so spotty and the concepts so difficult to understand that one day, instead of calculating a simple t-test like I wanted to, I accidentally ended up bypassing the Pentagon's firewall and starting a countdown for a nuclear warhead to be launched at Zimbabwe, which was stopped remotely at the last second by Edward Snowden.
The point is that R is a powerful language and that, once you become even partially familiar with it, you will be able to carry out basic statistical tests quickly and easily. One of the most instructive sections of the website, for me, is the one on ANOVAs, since I often use this to compare beta weights extracted across different regions of interest and test for double dissociations. Other sections give advice on how to restructure your data to be analyzed in different ways by R, linear regression, and multivariate statistics.
P.S. Some of the examples require links to datasets on the R project website which may no longer be properly linked (e.g., the ANOVA examples use commands like [datafilename = "http://personality-project.org/r/datasets/R.appendix1.data"], but give errors when attempting to read them into a table). I've converted some of them to my personal website, which should make them able to fit into tables without any errors. So, for example, you would use a command like [datafilename=""http://mypage.iu.edu/~ajahn/docs/R.appendix1.data.txt"], and so on for the other datasets.
P.P.S. I was planning to make a short video touring the personality project website and a few of the examples, but I've caught a cold recently, and right now my voice sounds mucusy and gravelly and full of sputum. While it may be pleasing for the ladies to hear my voice like this, it isn't as useful for instructional purposes; and really, that's what I'm all about.