This post is for the FreeSurfer Workshop given at Haskins Laboratories on Wednesday, December 6th, at 3:00pm. Here you will find links to the programs that were discussed during the workshop. Workshop attendees can also post comments in the Disqus section below.
FreeSurfer Download:
FreeSurfer can be downloaded from this link:
Prerequisites for installing parallel:
Apple Xcode:
Follow the instructions on the Homebrew site for installation, then open a terminal and type "brew install parallel." Then go into your directory containing your anatomical images (in NIFTI format) and type the following:
ls *.nii | parallel --jobs 8 recon-all -s {.} -i {} -qcache -3T -all
You may want to set your SUBJECTS_DIR variable to your current working directory with the following command:
In t-shell: setenv SUBJECTS_DIR `pwd`
In bash: export SUBJETS_DIR=`pwd`
Open Science Grid
Join OSG by going here:
To deidentify fMRI data, convert your DICOM files with dcm2niix:
MRIs can be anonymized with mri_deface:
Next, get fsurf, OSG's FreeSurfer command:
Downloading the sample data
Anatomical data from can be found here:
Running fsurf
Create a text file called "" and use this text:
#This script submits each zipped directory structure to fsurf
#You can check the status of the workflow by typing "fsurf list"
#First create the file "subjList.txt" by going into the ds174 directory containing all of the subject directories, and typing the following:
# ls | grep sub* > subjList.txt
foreach subj (`cat subjList.txt`)
cd $subj/ses-BL/anat
fsurf submit --subject=$subj --input=$ --defaced --deidentified --version 6.0.0 --freesurfer-options='-all -3T -qcache'
cd ../../..
As the file states, first create a textfile called "subjList.txt" by typing this from the terminal:
ls | grep sub* > subjList.txt
Then run the script using the t-shell:
You can check on your workflows on the OSG by typing "fsurf list"
FreeSurfer Tutorials on YouTube
This page will be updated with more links and videos; check back soon!